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You Can Hire Our Team!

Our professional team provides production and editing services to nonprofits, educational institutions, government organizations, individuals, and private companies. We always produce sharp, poignant videos that make your message hit home. Contact us today to talk about your media needs and hear how we can work with you to produce the best quality video at the lowest cost. For more information or to receive a quote for our services, contact Carson Riedel, our executive director, at carson@thepeopleschannel.org or 919-960-0088. 100% of our revenue is used to promote community media and further the mission of The People’s Channel, and you won’t find a better value for the quality of service!
Paperhand Puppet Intervention, Of Wings and Feet
Chapel Hill Carpool Karaoke
CenterFest 2016
Chapel Hill Transit Driver and Mechanic Recruitment
RSVP of Durham Tech Recruitment Video
Paperhand 2018 Kickstarter Video